Brooke’s Senior Session
Wrapping up my last senior session for the Class of 2024 with Brookes golden senior session at Glendalough State Park in Battle Lake Minnesota. She had a gorgeous evening for her senior session and I am so I’m so in love with her images. It was so much fun getting to know Brooke, she had traveled from Wahpeton North Dakota for this session and I was blown away at how small the world really is.

Emma’s Senior Session
Another stunning Glendalough State Park Senior Session for the blog today! I absolutely love this location and so far this year I have gotten to photograph 3 seniors here! It makes me so happy when I get to photograph here! Working with Emma was so much fun, and even though we had a colder, windier and overcast day I absolutely love her images!

Kiylee’s Senior Session
Another Glendalough State Park senior session at Golden Hour in the books! I had so much fun photographing with Kiylee and taking advantage of the gorgeous Minnesota evening! Getting to know Kiylee was a blast and I am obsessed with her senior session at Glendalough State Park in Battle Lake Minnesota.

Kylie’s Senior Session
Another incredible senior session for the books! I had so much enjoying the beautiful Minnesota evening and capturing some senior pictures for Kylie! For Kylie’s senior session we visited many Fergus Falls locations and got to incorporate many of Kylie’s activities such as tennis, horses, FFA, and even racing! I had so much fun with Kylie and her family and I am so excited to be sharing her senior gallery on the blog today!

Emily’s Senior Session
Summer Senior Sessions are the main reason why I love being a Minnesota Senior Photographer. For Emily’s senior session we went to Glendalough State Park in Battle Lake Minnesota and took full advantage of all of my favorite spots in the park. From the lake, to different bridges, trails and my favorite the wildflowers. Glendalough State Park is the perfect location for you nature loving seniors for your senior session!

Thor’s Senior Session
My first Class of 2024 senior session for the year! I had so much fun photography Thor’s senior session and it was a great way to kick of my 2024 senior season! For Thor’s session we met at the Riverwalk that is located downtown Fergus Falls. The Riverwalk is a very versatile location for senior sessions and it gave Thor lot’s of variety in his images!

Fergus Falls Senior Session- Zoe
Zoe was my last class of 2023, senior session for this photography season, and what started as a cold and windy Minnesota day turned into a slightly less cold dreamy golden hour session. Zoe really lucked out and my senior photographer brain got so excited once the sun poked out, I feel like I might have come across as a crazy person with how excited I got for a little bit of golden hour for Zoe’s senior session!

Fergus Falls Senior Session- Crystal
Since moving to Fergus Falls. I have gotten to explore so many new locations for Senior Sessions. For Crystal’s session she took me to the Friberg dam and it was so pretty! I love getting to visit new locations to photograph in. And she had the most stunning golden hour lighting for her senior session!

Fergus Falls Senior Session- Ryder
I just love senior sessions, but something that I love more than senior sessions. Are senior sessions in the fall, and senior sessions that are personal. I think I have said this in every senior blog post but I love when seniors make their session personal and about them!
Ryder was no exception, he included so many things that he loves it really pushed me creatively and I learned a lot from Ryder.
Not only did I learn about how to pose with a bowling ball, or a car. But I also learned a lot from just being yourself. Ryder was a very inspiring guy during his session. And as I drove home I just kept thinking about how cool this guy was. He is very passionate about the things he likes. And is unapologetically himself and it was so cool to see and then get to photograph.

Fergus Falls Senior Session Locations
Who knew that Fergus Falls has so many hidden gems for your upcoming senior session? The same basic places that you drive by every day are actually stunning for backgrounds during the senior sessions. Plus almost every session I find a new nook to test out for making each senior session more unique!

Fergus Falls Senior - Joe
Joe completely killed his senior session out at a family friend’s house just outside of Fergus Falls and wow, I love getting to explore on-location senior sessions and seeing what spots I can find in new places. I love being able to go to locations that are chosen by the seniors. I think it makes their images more unique to them. Anyways here is Joe’s senior session in Fergus Falls and I am very excited to share them!

Fergus Falls Senior Session - Leila
Back at it with another STUNNING senior session here in Fergus Falls. Leila was such a natural during her senior session and I am so excited to be sharing her senior pictures on the Jordan Elizabeth Photography blog today. During her senior session, we ran around in a grass field at golden hour and then made our way to the tennis courts in Fergus Falls. I love senior sessions and all the variety you can get with them in a short amount of time!

Lester Prarie Senior Session - Lydia
Got to go on a little road trip from Fergus Falls to Lester Prarie for this senior session and wow was it so worth it, After some concerning weather reports, we adjusted times and had a gorgeous evening for a senior session! Lydia completely killed her session and I am so obsessed with her senior pictures!

University of Minnesota Cap and Gown Session
Cap and gown sessions are a great way to celebrate your graduation! For this session, we wandered around the University of Minnesota campus in the Twin cities and celebrated Grace’s graduation from college!

Lily’s Senior Session, Excelsior Minnesota
Excelsior, Minnesota is always one of my favorite locations to have senior sessions at! There are so many varieties of backdrops to choose from and experiment with, every senior session turns out so different! Lily had such a gorgeous Minnesota fall evening that everything was literally perfect for her senior session (okay except maybe some wind but it is fine.) Everything was beautiful, the fall colors. Her outfits, Excelsior did not disappoint.

Lydia’s Senior Session, Waconia Minnesota
We wandered around downtown Waconia for Lydia’s senior session and it did not disappoint! We had some amazing Minnesota golden glow and found some stunning nooks to take some portraits in! I am definitely excited for the next time that I get to explore Waconia Minneosta

Mackenzie’s Senior Session, Victoria Minnesota
Mackenzie reached out and asked me for a tall grass field senior session during golden hour. And man did this location and the lighting did not disappoint. Carver Park Reserve in Victoria Minnesota is so jaw-dropping stunning I am so excited I was finally able to have a senior session there!

Kevin’s Senior Session, Victoria Minnesota
Another stunning evening in Victoria Minnesota for Kevin’s Senior Session! We hung out in Carver Park Reserve and had an amazing golden hour glow! It was so much fun getting to know Kevin during his session!

Alexa’s Senior Session, Minneapolis Minnesota
Alexa decided to explore Minneapolis, Minnesota for a city-vibe during her senior session. And let me tell you Minneapolis did not disappoint, we wandered around the North Loop area, took some stunning parking garage images during golden hour that overlooked the Minneapolis skyline and headed down towards the Mississippi River, and just had such a gorgeous session in Minneapolis. I am so excited about her session and cannot wait to explore Minneapolis more in the future.

Eli’s Senior Session in Waconia, Minnesota
Eli’s senior session was so much fun, we explored the Waconia City Park and although this location is small it is mighty and we found some amazing spots and captured some stunning images! I have never had a session in Waconia, Minnesota so this session was a fun new challenge for me as I worked on finding good spots in small and new locations!