Kiylee’s Senior Session


I am so excited to be blogging Kiylee’ senior session right now! From Kiylee choosing to take her senior pictures at my favorite location Glendalough State Park. To her amazing outfits and having a gorgeous evening (despite the 90 degree heat that Kiylee toughed through like a champ), I am so obsessed with her senior session.

Getting to know Kiylee was so much fun. I learned all about her passion for band and playing the French horn. Which is such a gorgeous instrument to photograph. I do not typically get to photograph many instruments so while Kiylee was doing and outfit change I quick looked online to find some poses! (blew my cover Kiylee if you are reading this ha!) But I still loved how they turned out! Something that I have been trying to include more in my senior sessions are details photos. So when I remembered to take some of her French horn and then editing them later I am so in love with how the instrument photographs. Like its stunning.

Kiylee had the best outfits that really showed off her personality. She described herself as “not quite city but not quite country” and I think that fit perfectly. She had two gorgeous dresses which fit the golden glowy golden hour vibe perfectly. She also had the cutest western outfit featuring a T-shirt from Nashville and her cowgirl hat. Another personal touch I loved about Kiylee’s senior session was her 2024 bedazzled boots. They were one of the best things I have photographed this year and those images are some of my favorites so far for this senior season! Plus I was impressed by Kiylee’s ability to walk in them. Through bumpy and uneven grass fields. Really, it was quite impressive.

Working with Kiylee was so much fun and I am so excited to share her images!


Cam’s Senior Session


Kylie’s Senior Session