Watertown Minnesota Maternity Session

I do not get to shoot to many maternity sessions. Actually I have only done two maternity sessions, and both times where for Cassi and Nick. But every time I get to photograph these two I get so excited. Their little growing family is so fun and I love that I have been chosen to photograph every milestone. From Cassi’s first pregnancy to her first son’s newborn pictures and 1 year pictures. It was so fun getting to work with them again and photograph the second baby bump! It is also so fun getting to see little Leroy grow up! (Although I might be at slight advantage because Cassi is my cousin so I get to see more of them and little Leroy than your average photographer haha). Anyways we had a gorgeous night and the golden dreamy light was definitely in our favor!
What was not in our favor however was a grumpy LeRoy who just wanted to play! And more often than not during family sessions kids get grumpy. And that is perfectly okay! Because let’s be honest, would you want to be constrained and forced to smile at a stranger? Yeah, me either.
So I have some tips for working with your wild toddlers during your next session.
Tips for keeping kids happy during your photo session:
Bring their favorite toy and give it to your photographer, we all want a smiling baby, plus we photography LOVE playing with kids, so we absolutely will make that toy dance and do backflips for your kiddo to laugh. (bonus when the get chases it and we get an adorable running shot)
Treats!!!! Who wouldn’t smile for a picture or two if treats are involved? Bring non-messy treats are another way to get your grumpy hangry kiddo picture ready. I have good luck with fruit snacks or little crackers!
Make sure their outfit is comfortable for them. If the shirt is itchy or the pants are too hot, I would be cranky too. Aesthetics are not everything and there are plenty of comfortable and cute outfits out there for pictures. And when in doubt, wear neutrals, they always look great!
Keep yourself calm and relaxed, your kiddos can feel when your stressed out and upset and that energy will only rub off on your kids.
and lastly just have fun, if your kid wants to run, run with them. Twirl them, toss them, tickle them and just play and have fun. Kids will be kids and if they are grumpy in some of the pictures that’s okay, at least now you have some funny pictures to look back on and embarrass the grown up kiddo with in the future!